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Routing Number 253177968

Welcome to the Kirby Kangaroo Club

I’m happy to tell you about the Winston-Salem Federal Credit Union’s kids savings club. It’s named after me, KIRBY KANGAROO! The KIRBY KANGAROO CLUB is just for kids age birth to 12 years old!


The Club helps lead young members like you, age 12 and under, through the world of money and savings in a way that you will understand and enjoy. Saving a portion of cash gifts received on holidays and birthdays and from weekly allowances is encouraged.


As a member of my Club, you’ll get a special passbook savings book and a quarter saver envelope with me on the cover. You will earn one (1) Kirby Buck for every $5 you deposit up to a maximum of $25 deposited. The maximum amount of Kirby Bucks that can be earned in one visit is 5 Kirby Bucks.Then, use your Kirby Bucks to "buy" special gifts from the Kirby Kangaroo Case.


All you have to do to join the KIRBY KANGAROO Club is open a Membership Share account (a signature of Parent or Legal Guardian may be required) with a deposit of at least $10.

I’m very excited for you to join my Club. Together, we’ll have a lot of fun! If you want more information, stop by the Credit Union. My helpers at the Credit Union are anxious to help you.

Visit my website,

Holiday Closings

Memorial Day
Monday, May 26, 2025

Emancipation Day (Juneteenth)
Thursday, June 19, 2025

Independence Day
Friday, July 4, 2025

Contact Information

711 East Salem Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Phone 336-231-5100

Hours of Operation:
Drive-Thru: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Office: Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM 

Voice Banking: 336-748-3500

Visa Credit Card with our Business Partner Elan: 800-558-3424

PIN reset/change for debit card: 800-992-3808

Lost/Stolen ATM or debit card: 800-554-8969