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Routing Number 253177968


Update: The Credit Union is making a number of changes to the terms of our Truth-In-Savings Disclosure/Fee Schedule. These changes will be effective on Monday, May 10th, 2021: Cashier’s Checks will incur a $3.00 fee each for all members; Courtesy Pay will incur a $32.00 fee per use; loan payments made over the phone or on our online payment portal will incur a fee of 2.50% of the payment amount per payment. Loan payments made in branch, by payroll deduction, by member periodic payment, by recurring payment from another financial institution, or via our Online Banking service will not incur a fee. You can obtain a copy of the revised Membership Agreement in branch or by calling us. Your acceptance and agreement to the revised terms will be shown by your continued use of any existing or new account(s) or services after the effective date.



Fee Schedule (as of May 10, 2021)

Share Account (Membership)Fee
Early Closing Fee (First 90 Days)$25.00
Dormant Account$5.00
Share CertificateFee
Early Withdrawal PenaltyUp to 90 Days Dividends
Checking AccountFee
Minimum Deposit to Open$0.00
Minimum Balance Required$0.00
Per Check ChargeNo Charge
Monthly FeeNo Charge
Non-Sufficient Funds Fee$30.00
Courtesy Pay$32.00*
Stop Payment Fee$25.00
Overdraft Transfer FeeNo Charge
Printout History$2.00
Check PrintingVaries According to Style
Verification of Deposit$15.00
Temporary Check Order (8 checks)$5.00
Cashier's Check$3.00 each

*Fees incurred per transaction. Transactions for less than $30.00 will incur a matching fee.


Monthly/Quarterly Statements$3.00 each
Checks$3.00 each
Account MaintenanceFee
Account Reconciliation$15.00 per hour
Research Services$30.00 per hour
Credit Union CheckFee
Stop Payment Fee$25.00
Money Market AccountFee
Minimum Balance Required to Earn Interest$250.00
Transaction FeeNo Charge
Service FeeNo Charge
IRA (Individual Retirement Account)
FeeNo Charge
Transaction FeeNo Charge
Christmas/Vacation Club AccountFee
Early Withdrawal Penalty (after 7 days)Accrued Dividends
Check (ATM) CardFee
ATM Transactions (Withdrawals, Transfers, Inquires, Denials) 
- First eight per monthNo Charge
- Over eight per month$1.50 each
Point-of-Sale (POS) and Visa TransactionsNo Charge
Maximum Daily ATM/Debit Withdrawal Limit$500
Maximum Daily Credit/Purchase Limit$2,000
Check (ATM) Card (Issue)No Charge
Check (ATM) Card (Replacement)$10.00
Withdrawals on Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF)$30.00
ACH (Automatic Clearing House)Fee
Returned Items Due to Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF)$30.00
Stop Payment Fee$25.00
ACH WithdrawalsNo Charge
ACH DepositsNo Charge
Non Credit Union ChecksFee
Returned Check from Deposit$10.00
Undeliverable MailFee
Undeliverable Mail$5.00 per Month
Wire TransfersFee
Incoming Wire Transfers$5.00
Outgoing Wire Transfers$15.00
Incoming International Wire Transfer$10.00
Outgoing International Transfer$30.00
Safe Deposit BoxesFee
3x5$20.00 annually
3x10$30.00 annually
Lost KeyActual Cost
Box DrillingActual Cost
Late Payment$5.00
Rental Fees Due October 1 
Visa Gift CardFee
Visa Gift Cards$2.00
Garnishment fee$25.00 per item
Coin Machine5%
Over-the-Phone Loan Payment 2.5% of payment amount per payment
Online Payment Portal Loan Payment 2.5% of payment amount per payment

Holiday Closings

Memorial Day
Monday, May 26, 2025

Emancipation Day (Juneteenth)
Thursday, June 19, 2025

Independence Day
Friday, July 4, 2025

Contact Information

711 East Salem Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Phone 336-231-5100

Hours of Operation:
Drive-Thru: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Office: Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM 

Voice Banking: 336-748-3500

Visa Credit Card with our Business Partner Elan: 800-558-3424

PIN reset/change for debit card: 800-992-3808

Lost/Stolen ATM or debit card: 800-554-8969