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Routing Number 253177968

Credit Unions are not-for-profit financial cooperatives.

Patterned after similar institutions originating in Germany during the 19th Century, the first credit unions in the United States were formed in the 1920s to provide credit for the average working person since banks were reluctant to lend money to persons of modest means. The credit union movement quickly spread throughout the nation. All credit unions subscribe to the following four governing principles:

  1. Not-for-Profit: Any and all “profits” earned by credit unions, defined as the difference between the yield on assets and net operating expenses, are returned to members in the form of dividends on deposits or are retained as capital reserves to bolster the overall financial strength of the institution.
  2. Members as Owners: Unlike commercial banks, credit unions have no separate “ownership” class of stockholders that they must satisfy. Instead, each individual becomes an owner of the credit union after purchasing one membership share. Eligibility for membership in credit unions is generally limited to people who share a common bond, such as working for the same company.
  3. Democratic Representation: All credit unions are governed by a volunteer board of directors elected by members at annual membership meetings. Each member has just one vote, regardless of the amount of shares (deposits) that he or she may own. As financial cooperatives, credit unions rely on these elected volunteers - who must be members of the credit union - to act on their behalf in establishing institutional goals, guidelines, policies and procedures.
  4. Service Commitment: Because there are no outside stockholders to answer to, credit unions exist only to meet the financial needs of their member-owners. “We work for you” is much more than just a catch phrase in a credit union - it’s the absolute truth!

The Winston-Salem Federal Credit Union was incorporated in October, 1957. The Credit Union ended that year with 94 members and $2,980 in assets. Today we are a full service credit union serving thousands of members with millions of dollars in assets.

Our Vision

To enrich and empower the lives of our members.

Our Mission

To be the members' primary financial institution by providing reliable, comprehensive, courteous and prompt services that promote the financial well being of our members, recognizing their individual needs.

Our Core Value Statement

As a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative, Winston-Salem Federal Credit Union (WSFCU) is committed to our members. Our fundamental responsibility is to actively serve people within our field of membership, and as appropriate, the communities in which they live. All members will be treated with respect and dignity and we will offer honest, fair service at all times. The value of membership will continually be demonstrated in all facets of operations at WSFCU.

Holiday Closings

Memorial Day
Monday, May 26, 2025

Emancipation Day (Juneteenth)
Thursday, June 19, 2025

Independence Day
Friday, July 4, 2025

Contact Information

711 East Salem Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Phone 336-231-5100

Hours of Operation:
Drive-Thru: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Office: Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM 

Voice Banking: 336-748-3500

Visa Credit Card with our Business Partner Elan: 800-558-3424

PIN reset/change for debit card: 800-992-3808

Lost/Stolen ATM or debit card: 800-554-8969