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Routing Number 253177968

Money Transfer Apps

Money transfer apps like Cash App, Venmo, and Paypal can seem like an easy way to send someone money when you don’t have any cash on hand, but are they safe? There are a few downfalls and dangers to using third party apps that we think you should know about.

  • These apps do not provide the same protection from fraud and other misapplication of funds like our credit union services.
  • Sometimes they can take a LONG time to send or receive the money you’re waiting for, up to 10 days!
  • These third-party apps may not be federally insured and therefore all risks will be assumed by consumer.
  • If a payment is cancelled partway through the process it can still appear as a hold on your account. Also, as soon as you confirm the amount of money you intend to send a hold is placed on your account that may take just as long to clear, meaning you will not have access to those funds.
  • These apps usually do not provide quality customer service and often times there are not representatives to assist customers with any issues they may experience with the app.

We suggest that members use the money transferring services WSFCU provides in order to ensure that all funds are as secure as possible.

If you link any of your accounts or services to a third party app or payment service (including but not limited to PayPal, Cash App, or Venmo) you understand and agree that these are not Credit Union services; and any transactions you make will be subject to your agreements with the app or service provider. You understand that these apps and services do not provide the same protections from fraud or other misapplication of funds as traditional direct banking services. If we transfer any funds as directed by you or anyone you authorize to the app or third party service provider such transfer(s) shall in all respects be an authorized transaction and we will have no further obligation or liability if the app or provider then transfers the funds to a fraudster or the funds are otherwise misapplied. Further, you understand that funds transferred to/via a third party App may not be federally or otherwise insured; and you assume all risks should your funds become unavailable for any reason.

Holiday Closings

Memorial Day
Monday, May 26, 2025

Emancipation Day (Juneteenth)
Thursday, June 19, 2025

Independence Day
Friday, July 4, 2025

Contact Information

711 East Salem Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Phone 336-231-5100

Hours of Operation:
Drive-Thru: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Office: Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM 

Voice Banking: 336-748-3500

Visa Credit Card with our Business Partner Elan: 800-558-3424

PIN reset/change for debit card: 800-992-3808

Lost/Stolen ATM or debit card: 800-554-8969