It Begins with Membership
Membership in Winston-Salem Federal Credit Union (WSFCU) begins with opening a Membership Share account... and can last a lifetime. And the benefits of WSFCU membership are not limited to just you. Your membership in WSFCU makes it possible for members of your immediate family and/or members of your household to join, as well.
You are eligible to join WSFCU if you live, work, worship or attend school in Forsyth County or Guilford County (NC). Our core service area is in Forsyth County, and centers on the community that includes downtown Winston-Salem and the surrounding area of approximately 93,000 people.
Our history of service to our community includes receiving an Underserved Community Charter and a low-income designation by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). To qualify as a low-income designated credit union, the majority of our membership was required to meet certain low-income thresholds based on data available from the U.S. Census Bureau. That's what we do at WSFCU!

We Serve These Select Employee Groups
We invite you to join WSFCU if you are a permanent full time, part time, retired employee of or volunteer at any of these groups.
- Associated Artists
- Dairy Fresh
- Forsyth County Juvenile Justice Council, Inc.
- Forsyth Early Childhood Partnership
- Jones Apparel Group, Inc.
- North Carolina Black Repertory Company, Inc.
- North Carolina Municipal Leasing Corporation
- Piedmont Authority For Regional Transportation (PART)
- Piedmont Craftsmen
- Senior Services, Inc.
- Southeastern Center for Contemporary Arts (SECCA)
- The Coalition for Drug Abuse Prevention
- Triad Municipal ABC Board
- Total Information Source
- The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem
- Winston-Salem Federal Credit Union
- Winston-Salem Housing Authority
- Winston-Salem Piedmont Triad Symphony
- Winston-Salem Transit Authority
- City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Additionally, if you are an employee of or student at any of the following groups, we invite you to join WSFCU!
- i-Tech Computer Training and Consulting
- The Sawtooth Center
- Union Cross Elementary
You may contact WSFCU for a list of our employee groups.
Important Information About Procedures For Opening a New Account
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that on personal accounts identifies each person who opens an account. In addition on legal entity accounts, we will require identification on beneficial owners and controlling person.
What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents.