Already Logged In To Online Banking After 4/29/2022? Click here to skip the instructions.
Online Banking has a brand new look!
When you first log into your new Online Banking platform on or after Tuesday, May 3rd, you will use your member number as your Logon ID (Username). Your Security Code (Password) for Online Banking will be the last four digits of the primary account holder’s Social Security Number. If your member number is less than six digits long, you will need to include preceding zeros to enter a minimum six-digit Logon ID. For example, if your member number is 1234, your new Logon ID will be 001234. If your member number is 123456, you will not need to make any adjustments to your Logon ID. Next, to promote security for your online accounts, you will be required to change your Logon ID to a minimum of six characters that cannot include your member number or email address. You will then be prompted to change your Security Code for future Online Banking logins.
Now that you are ready to log in, please click here to be transported to your new Online Banking login portal.
If you have any questions or would like help accessing your new Online Banking service, please reach out to the WSFCU Online Banking and Mobile App Support Line by calling us at 336-231-5100 and pressing 3. The Support Line is available Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 9:00pm.